Welcome to the Tuesday Author Interview with Christina Boyd for the Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
CHRISTINA: It has been so long that I can't say when I first became a fan of Tracie Banister or which of her clever novels I read first. Eventually, I became a member of her Facebook group ChickLitChatHQ and interacted with her there. Last year, I joined her administrative team at ChickLitChatHQ, hosting daily topics one week per month. You should join us and be part of the conversation!
If you could have dinner with three people, who would be at your table—and how might that go?

TRACIE: William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Agatha Christie—all brilliant authors who would make very entertaining dinner companions. I imagine Shakespeare being very theatrical as he regaled the table with behind-the-scenes stories about performances of his plays (and his humor would most likely become increasingly bawdy as his wine glass was refilled). Occasionally, Jane would interject a witty comment or observation while secretly scribbling a letter about the proceedings to her sister, Cassandra, under cover of the tablecloth. Agatha would pepper Shakespeare with a series of probing questions in an attempt to ascertain who was the true author of his work (Bacon? Marlowe? de Vere?), and she wouldn’t eat or drink anything without first distracting the other occupants at the table so that she could switch plates/glasses with one of them.
CHRISTINA: What amazing dinner companions. Ha! And I'm sure it would play out just as you say.
What is your current project or latest release?
TRACIE: I just released my second Paranormal Cozy Mystery, Ghost with the Most, which I wrote under the pen name Mallory Pierce. I’m having so much fun with this new genre, and the character of Gwendolyn Frink is very near and dear to my heart. She’s a feisty suffragette who died under mysterious circumstances in 1913 and was very bored with her afterlife until a horror writer named Nolan moved into her family’s old Victorian home, and the two of them got involved in a murder investigation. They’re back at it in Book 2, trying to figure out who done it when a mercurial rock musician named Scorch is stabbed at an ice sculpting competition. I’ve always loved stories about male/female detective duos and the banter between Gwen and Nolan is reminiscent of TV shows like Moonlighting and Remington Steele. Fun fact: the surname of my Cozy-writing alias was inspired by Pierce Brosnan aka Remington Steele.
CHRISTINA: That's fun to write a new genre and have a new nom de plume. Best wishes on the release. Always an exciting time.
What do you think makes a good story?
TRACIE: For me, it’s all about the characters and the writer’s voice. I need to connect with the former and be entertained by the latter in order to enjoy a story. I, also, think pacing is super important. Everything on the page should further the story and keep the reader interested in what’s happening.
CHRISTINA: I agree. If I don't connect with the voice, I won't stay with the book for long, no matter the plot.
So far, what is your greatest accomplishment as a writer?
TRACIE: What’s given me the greatest sense of pride since becoming published is that I helped to establish a fun, supportive community of authors and book lovers. Although I didn’t start Chick Lit Chat (which was a weekly chat on Twitter when I first got involved), I was thrilled to take over the reins when the creator of the chat asked me. I moved the chat over to Facebook where it’s been thriving for the last decade. So many beautiful friendships and professional partnerships have sprouted out of Chick Lit Chat, and I love that authors feel it’s a safe space to share the ups and downs of their writing lives. A bonus for me is that I’ve met so many wonderful, talented people through the group, including you, Christina!
CHRISTINA: Thank you. I've enjoyed being part of ChickLitChatHQ. So many terrific writers there and clever exchanges with readers, too. I always learn something.
If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?
TRACIE: I would be working in the health and wellness field in some capacity. I have an interest in everything from aromatherapy and meditation to organic products and the practice of qigong. If I ever win the lottery, you might see a Banister Wellness Center popping up in a city near you!
CHRISTINA: A wellness center? That's awesome. I'll cross my fingers. Thanks so much for joining me for this interview. I know you have been busy with your new release and life in general.

An avid reader and writer, Tracie Banister has been scribbling stories since she was a child, most of them featuring feisty heroines with complicated love lives like her favorite fictional protagonist Scarlett O'Hara. Her work was first seen on the stage of her elementary school, where her 4th-grade class performed an original holiday play she penned. (Like all good divas-in-the-making, she also starred in and tried to direct the production.)
Tracie’s dreams of authorial success were put on the backburner when she reached adulthood and discovered that she needed a "real" job in order to pay her bills. Her career as a personal assistant to a local entrepreneur lasted for twelve years. When it ended, she decided to follow her bliss and dedicate herself to writing full-time. After releasing seven Romantic Comedies, Tracie decided to switch things up and began to write Paranormal Cozies under the pen name Mallory Pierce.
Fun interview!
Great interview!
loved learning more about Tracie!