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INTERVIEW: Morgan Magauran Often Bows to the Invisible Forces That Guide Her

Writer's picture: Christina BoydChristina Boyd

Updated: Jan 5

Welcome to the Tuesday Author Interview with Christina Boyd for the Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

CHRISTINA: Pacific Northwest author Morgan Magauran (pen name) became known to me when she was interviewing for an editor in 2023. Her almost lyrical, emotive tale about a woman who wakes in an oarless boat, adrift on the sea, heading toward an unknown, inhabited island, captivated my imagination. Little did I know that this character had just returned from an underworld odyssey from Book One. I knew right off Morgan Magauran was a gifted storyteller, and I was super excited when she asked me to be a part of her ambitious project.

What is your current project or latest release?

MORGAN: After nearly two years of editing, the second edition of Reflect, Book One of the "Rumored Woman" series, is being shipped to my home, and Return, Book Two is with the proofreader. The adage, "go slow to go fast," is bearing true, as my attention is now on Remember, Book Three, incorporating feedback from beta readers.

CHRISTINA: This is such exciting news. I hope readers enjoy this thoughtful, engaging series.

If you could have dinner with three people, who would be at your table—and how might that go?

MORGAN: Rainer Maria Rilke, Terry Tempest Williams, and Omid Safi are my dinner guests. We’d be sitting out on our deck, overlooking the marsh, sea, and mountains, and inviting them all to dine with us. I imagine our conversational rhythm would welcome shared silence and explore the territory of our inner lives.

CHRISTINA: What comes first: plot or characters?

MORGAN: Can I say neither? For me, a question comes first—one with no easy answers, and then the characters blend with that tension, and the plot emerges. 

CHRISTINA: I can see how you have to find that balance—a very organic process.

If you could tell your 21-year-old self anything, what would you share?

MORGAN: Stop trying to figure everything out. There’s a Larger Orchestration at play that you can trust, and it will reveal itself to your delight, unfolding better than any plans you could have made.

 Celtic knots drawn in yellow chalk on a dark stone
Celtic knots drawn in yellow chalk on a stone that resembled a throne. Photo cred: Morgan Magauran

CHRISTINA: Oh yes. If only our younger selves were more patient. For me, I remember how I felt I needed to make things happen. And not always taking the wisest path.

Have you gone on an author pilgrimage or research trip? Where and what was the most memorable moment?

MORGAN: Yes, though, at the time, my trip to Iona [small Scottish island] was thought to be purely vacation. Several years afterward, the landscape, which had left such an impression on me, showed up unbidden as the backdrop for the "Rumored Woman" series. One of the most memorable moments occurred on a day when I discovered Celtic knots drawn in yellow chalk on a stone that resembled a throne. The Celtic knots marked a path in the beach grasses above it that led to what felt like a sacred pool. I rested in the mossy bedding beside the pool and woke with a potent healing dream. 

CHRISTINA: Goodness, what a moment. I'm sure you revisit that often in your thoughts and dreams.

Do you listen to music while writing?

MORGAN: Sometimes, Sufi music.

CHRISTINA: Do you hide any secrets in your novels only a select few might know?

MORGAN: The symbolism laced throughout the series offers another layer to the story. Sometimes, it’s intentional; at other times, I suspect my unconscious chose it, and it isn’t until later, while editing, that I discover its embedded meaning. In those moments, I’m delighted and humbled by the co-creative process of writing, and I bow to the invisible forces that guide me. 

CHRISTINA: That does seem to be when the magic happens and inspires more wonderful prose. Thank you so much for your time and sharing your perspective. I wish you every good thing for the coming release and the rest of your series.

woman with long strawberry blonde hair facing away
Morgan Magauran, Author


Morgan Magauran is a pen name as the author embraces her third career as a storyteller, delving into the themes of authenticity, belonging, and freedom. Read more about the "Rumored Woman" series at Upon release, the first six chapters of each book can be read for free by subscribing to her substack, She created Enthralling as a collective playing field for exploring the mysterious ties between our inner and outer lives. 


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