Welcome to the Tuesday Author Interview with Christina Boyd for the Who, What, When, Where, and Why.
CHRISTINA: I first met Brazilian author Gabriela Graciosa Guedes when I saw on social media that she was organizing the fundraiser #BooksForBrazil to support more than 80,000 people who had been displaced after floods swept across her homeland in Brazil. Storms had led to landslides, destroyed roads and houses, collapsed bridges, as well as power outages. More than a million people were without drinking water. So, I donated a copy edit that ended up being auctioned for over $1500 (I think) to Austenesque author Barry Richmond. Not long after this event that raised some $15,000 for flood-ravaged families in Rio Grande do Sul, I learned that Gabriela's debut novel is an Austen-adjacent contemporary romance, and I knew I had to request an interview.
When did you first think you had a book to write and how did you start?
GABRIELA: It’s kind of a funny story. When I finished reading the Twilight Saga, I felt overwhelmed! Those books had made me feel so much. I guess I just needed somewhere to pour those feelings, and I ended up starting a story of my own. It wasn’t a fanfic, but maybe I would’ve never thought about writing as a career option if I hadn’t read Twilight back then.
CHRISTINA: I get it. I was a huge Twilight fan back in the day. Even going on a Twilight tour to Forks under the guise of a family camping trip.
What comes first: plot or characters?
GABRIELA: It really depends on the book. Sometimes, it will be a scene. The meet cute. Sometimes, it’ll be a character. Sometimes, it’ll be the plot. However, it starts, though, I always look for the character before I write anything. Even if I have the idea for the plot, I won’t get anything going if I don’t understand who the characters are and what are their motivations.
CHRISTINA: Is there one of your characters you most identify with and why?
GABRIELA: Olivia, Luiza’s little sister. She’s Lydia from Pride and Prejudice, but I wanted to give her more grace than the original character gets. I’m currently working on her novel, and I’m super excited. She’s very misunderstood in Luiza’s book, but exploring her as the protagonist has been so much fun, and I often find myself nodding along as she’s expressing her feelings. (I’m not the one creating them; I’m just the vessel!)
Do you put people you know, or their characteristics, in your book?
GABRIELA: I don’t have any character that is fully inspired by anyone I know, but I do borrow personality traits from people around me but mostly myself and give them to my characters. They’re kind of a Frankenstein monster with different pieces put together!
CHRISTINA: Like I suspect Austen did. And Frankenstein monster? Ha! I've never heard of a melding of characters described like that before. Love it.
Do you make up Playlists for your books? Do you listen to music while writing?
GABRIELA: I’ve always envied authors who have a mood playlist that they can blast while writing. If I listen to anything with lyrics, I’ll end up typing the words from the song over and over again! I mostly write in silence, or if I’m writing at a café, I’ll put on an instrumental playlist, or just rain sounds.
CHRISTINA: Me too. I am amazed when someone tells me they listen to music while they write. I can't concentrate at all with lyrics.
What are you reading now?
GABRIELA: I’m currently reading a couple of things, as always. Business Casual by B.K. Borison. The Fiancé Dilemma by Elena Armas. And I’m about to start Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood.
CHRISTINA: I'll have to check them out. Thank you for your time and candor, Gabriela. Congratulations on the success of the auction--you did a good thing! And I look forward to your next novel about “Lydia.” I hope the words are flowing.

Gabriela Graciosa Guedes is a Brazilian author, romance enthusiast, and HEA advocate. Besides making a living off reading and writing stories that transport us to different realities, Gabriela also teaches English and uses literature to help her students gain fluency. Connect with Gabriela through her website, Instagram, and TikTok.